Savior in the Psalms: Lent 2021
Here comes Lent, and the Savior in the Psalms! This yearly 40-day journey of reflection and contemplation enables us to pause and reflect on our sins, our need for a Savior, and the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Throughout the six Wednesdays of Lent this year (Feb 17 – March 24), I invite you to join with your church family in worship (in-person or via streaming) as we look to the book of Psalms to answer questions like these:
- Is Jesus there in the Psalms?
- Did Jesus pray the Psalms?
- How does praying the Psalms strengthen us to follow the words of Christ, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” Luke 9:23
The theme of our midweek services is The Savior in the Psalms, with a special focus each week:
2/17 – Ash Wed.: The Soul Laid Bare
2/24 – Midweek 2: Jesus Suffers for His Love
3/03 – Midweek 3: Yes, It Was as They Said
3/10 – Midweek 4: Kings Conspire to Kill Christ
3/17 – Midweek 5: View the Passion from the Cross
3/24 – Midweek 6: Christ is the Savior the Father Wanted
Daily Reading of the Psalms… As our Lenten journey begins, I encourage you to spend some time each day in contemplative reflection, reading through all 150 of the Psalms together with your church family over these 40 days. Bookmarks with all 40 days of Psalms readings are available on the table in the Narthex, or here. Look also for your daily email, beginning February 17th, that will have the Psalm reading for the day, a prayer and a hymn verse.
As we read the Psalms together, you can catch up with them here!