(781) 275-6013 church@lcsavior.org

Midweek Lenten Service

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Midweek Lenten Service

Fixing our eyes on Jesus during the forty-day season of Lent, we journey with Him to Calvary’s cross where, enduring the ashes of our sins and the penalty they deserve, He grants to us the beauty of His forgiveness, full and free.

Water is life. Water is everywhere. Not only is this true in the world around us, but it is also true in the Scriptures. Throughout the Bible, we witness our Creator giving us new life—cleansing, reshaping, even re-creating—through the water of the Spirit and through the living and active Word of Jesus. Today our attention is drawn to the promised treasure of the life-giving water that God uses to claim us as His children and unite us to His Son’s death and resurrection. With the Savior, who steps into the water with us, we “daily emerge and arise to live before God in righteousness and purity forever” (Small Catechism, Baptism, Fourth Part).

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March 8, 2023 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm