Join us each week for worship! We meet for in-person worship at 8:00 AM each Sunday to hear from God’s word, join in prayer and praise, and celebrate Holy Communion. Today is Palm Sunday, the day when the Church on earth remembers the triumphal entry of our Savior into Jerusalem. On that day the crowds […]
Each Sunday, between our services, we have an hour of Bible study and Sunday School classes for people from age 3 to 103 (or older!). Classes offered will vary over time, but include: Adults: multiple offerings Kids: PreK through 5th grade Confirmation: 6th-8th grade High School: 9th - 12th grade
Join us in-person or online each Sunday at 10:45 AM ET as we come together to hear from God’s word, join in prayer and praise, and celebrate Holy Communion. Today is Palm Sunday, the day when the Church on earth remembers the triumphal entry of our Savior into Jerusalem. On that day the crowds cried […]
All are invited to Maundy (Holy) Thursday worship as we look to the “Face of the Lamb” who washed His disciples' feet, instituted the His Holy Supper, and willingly accepted the betrayal and punishment of those who would send Him to the Cross. There the Lamb would give His life in death for you, as […]
Good Friday worship continues our Maundy Thursday worship as we join in The Office of Tenebrae (Service of Darkness). We journey with Jesus from the halls of justice, stumbling up the road to Mt. Calvary, and there hear the “Seven Words of our Lord” that he spoke while hanging on the cross to die for […]
CHRIST IS RISEN! Come to celebrate our Lord’s resurrection, to be served by our risen Lord with his Word and Sacrament, and to hear why “Easter Matters!” All are welcome for our traditional organ-led (with brass and choir) Easter celebration worship services at 6:00am and 8:00am, or our blended praise-team led (with brass and choir) […]
Come join us for an old-fashioned Easter Egg Hunt. Kids can find all kinds of goodies as we celebrate Easter together. Kids up through junior high ages should gather in the Narthex at 10:00 and we'll take you to where the eggs are hidden!
CHRIST IS RISEN! Come to celebrate our Lord’s resurrection, to be served by our risen Lord with his Word and Sacrament, and to hear why “Easter Matters!” All are welcome for our traditional organ-led (with brass and choir) Easter celebration worship services at 6:00am and 8:00am, or our blended praise-team led (with brass and choir) […]
Join us each week for worship! We meet for in-person worship at 8:00 AM each Sunday to hear from God’s word, join in prayer and praise, and celebrate Holy Communion. All are welcome to join as we continue our celebration of Easter - He is risen indeed!
Join in each Sunday as we dig into God's Word together. There are classes for every age and place in your spiritual walk, so come and learn with us!